Monday, May 25, 2009

Someone sent me this, from today's hill times. What do you guys think?

LAVIGNE: You may have written a book on negative campaigning Warren, but the "Just Visiting" ads on Ignatieff are a far cry from the "Face" ads against Chrétien.

Here are five reasons why these ads will have an impact.

5. They're timely. Most of the country doesn't know Michael Ignatieff. These ads, and his response to them, will have an effect on how he is defined by voters.

4. The narrative is simple. It's not about working overseas or about who is a good Canadian (that's the Liberal talking points trying to change the channel). The storyline here is questioning the motivation for coming back to Canada after 34 years to get power and if he doesn't get it he'll leave again. Average folks grasp that. Doubt is being planted in the mind of the jury. Once credibility on motivation is lost it doesn't matter what Ignatieff promises after that.

3. They use Ignatieff's own words. One reason why the "Not a Leader" ads were effective was because they used Dion's own words ("Do you think it's easy to make priorities") and Ignatieff's own words ("Stéphane, we didn't get it done") to carry the message. This is also the case with "Just Visiting." This is Ignatieff on Ignatieff. And his lines "this is just as much as my country as it is yours" in reference to the U.S.A. is devastating to cross-pressured Liberal-New Democrat vote switchers while "I don't want to take a GST hike off the table" will be a tough sell to Liberal-Conservative switch voters.

2. The buy is large and the campaign is multi-platform. There's no question there is some substantial weight behind the ad buy. Pick a non-elite channel or show, including Blue Jays games and Family Guy and you'll see these ads. It's a full campaign using a variety of platforms including the web and Facebook meaning that its reach will be substantial.

1. We're talking about them. And as a result, we're analyzing Ignatieff's motivations much more closely than had the ads not been produced. There is huge gulf between the bubble of Ottawa and Main Street Canada. While some commentators suggest that these ads are "stupid," others need to get over the fact that just because you don't like the messenger (Harper and his Team), doesn't detract from the relevant question their ad campaign poses.

But Warren, you are right to suggest that average folks would much rather have their federal leaders focused on the economy. And while you manage the latest flip-flop and Tim defends his ads, Jack Layton and the team will continue to dominate Parliament by getting EI reform, real credit card protection, a right to repair bill, a charter for airline passengers and help for our vets passed through Parliament.


  1. Warren knows the "just visting" trick. In 1997, he "visited" North Vancouver as a Liberal candidate and swore up and down that win or lose he was moving to North Van.

    Not long after being trounced by Ted White, he flew back to Toronto never to be seen again.
